
The Syndicate would like to express its grateful acknowledgments-

To the Government, but for whose initiative and monetary grants the work could not have been commenced,

To the several chairmen and members of the Lexicon Committee,  for their enthusiastic co-operation in the work,

To the Past and present members of the editorial staff, for services rendered in the preparation and publication of the Lexicon,

To the several gentlemen who acted as Honorary Referees and gave their time and labour to the Lexicon

To the several bodies and individuals who helped the compilation by contributing material,

To the Honorary Literary Associates and others who have given useful advice,

To all others who have helped the progress of the Lexicon in any other way, and

To the  Diocesan Press and the Madras Law Journal Press for their courtesy, co-operation and competent execution of the printing.

Extract form the minutes of the meeting of the Syndicate, dated 12th October, 1935

The Syndicate desires to place on record its deep appreciation of the good work turned out by the chairman of the Tamil Lexicon Committee M.R.Ry. Rao Bahadur K.V. Krishnaswami Aiyar Avl., who has been its chairman since 1926.  It is largely due to his enterprise, enthusiasm and sustained effort that it has been possible to complete the Tamil Lexicon within this period. The bulk of the work of the Lexicon has been done during his chairmanship and this must have entailed a great deal of labour and time apart from other dificulties incidental to the work of the chairman of the Committee,  The Syndicate therefore desires to express its most grateful thanks to Rao Bahadur K.V.Krishnaswami Aiyar for the whole-hearted manner in which he has co-operated with the University Authorities in completing this most important work the editing and publishing of the Tamil Lexicon.