

Even Dr.Caldwell's researches in Dravidian philology, though conducted in the heart of the Tamil country for about half a century, could not improve the situation to any appreciable degree, owing to his inaccessibility to the extant ancient Tamil literature and unfavourable obsessions.

Erroneous theories and principles adopted in any branch of science or department of literature have to be discarded forth-with and outright, in the interest of human enlightenment, however deep-seated and long-entertained they may be in the minds of authors and scholars.

The Aryan suppression of Tamil does not stop with itself, but affects the growth of three other branches of study of widest human interest, viz., World History, Comparative Philology and Cultural Anthropology. Sanskrit has usurped the throne of Tamil by fraudulent means, and unless Tamil is restored to its prestine glory, there is no future for it.

It is high time that the Western Universities particularly the West German University, realised their colossal error, at least at this stage, and give Tamil its due place in Comparative Philolo-gy. It also behoves the Western Publishers, to bring out revised and expurgatory editions of their publications dealing with South Indian History and Dravidian Philology, as early as possible, in the light of recent research.

The present work, embodying the results of my research in Compar-ative Philology in general and Dravidian Philology at particular, conducted for the past forty years, purports to prove that Old or Lemurian Tamil was not only the parent of the Dravidian family of languages, but also the progeniter of the Indo-European Form of Speech.

I have great pleasure in expressing my unbounded gratitude to the members of the Kodai Vallal KARUNAITTIRU HARIRAM SAIT Commemoration Committee, who have kindly come forward to publish this work, which had remained