பக்கம் எண் :

Aryanization of Tamil317

Deterioration of Tamil

     (1) Disintegration of Triple Tamil.
     (2) Steady decline in number of poets.
     (3) Reduction of Tamil grammar.
     (4) Disuse of standard poetic metres.
     (5) Neglect of Tamil studies.
     (6) Gradual diminution of Tamil area.
     (7) Extinction of ancient Tamil works.
     (8) Emaciation of Tamil vocabulary.
     (9) Obsoleteness and obsolescence of Tamil words.
     (10) Motleyness of Tamil vocabulary.
     (11) Erroneousness of public notices and records in Tamil.
     (12) Erroneousness of written characters in Tamil.
     (13) Mysteriousness of origin of some Tamil words.
     (14) Study of Tamil on the basis of Sanskrit.
     (15) Contamination of Tamil phonology.

Misrepresentation of Tamil

     Prof. K.A. Nilakanta Sastri, M.A., on page 125 of his ‘A History
of South India’ writes, “The Tolkappiyam states definitely that
marriage as a sacrement attended with ritual was established in
the Tamil country by the Aryans.”

     This misinterpretation of the 1091st n‡Špƒ (sutra) of
Tolkappiyam is based on the tendentious etymology of the word
aiyar, occurring in the same.

     Dr. P. B. Subramanya Sastri, on page 53 of his ‘An Enquiry
into the Relationship of Sanskrit and Tamil’ says “Poru˜-atikaram
is the science of poetics.”

     He has not properly studied or comprehended Tolkappiyam,
particularly its third section dealing with subject-matter of literary
works in general.

     Poru˜adikƒram is the science of literary themes, the
consummation and culmination of Tamil grammar, redounding to the
unique greatness of Tamil and glory of the Tamilians for ever and